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Tuesday, July 8, 2008


My First Love

He was my first love, the first man in my life
Taught me how to sing and dance and put up a fight

My sense of humor and courage came from him
He was the prankster, the joker with that sneaky little grin

He was able to make sense out of things I could never understand
Lending me his kind words his heart and his soft, gentle hand

So now with the moon he dances and plays
With the angels he shows them all his magical ways

I can hear his laugh in the back of my mind
The loud, energetic and unforgettable kind

I hope those angels realize the prize that they have
My first love, that wonderful man for years I called Dad.

- Brooke Gardner

What's She Thinking

How she does it I will never know
Night after night she goes back to him
The guy who hurts her more than anything
She thinks he loves her like no other
But love does not leave cuts and bruises
I wish she'd get up the nerve to leave
But she says she can't survive without him
Does she think she doesn't deserve better?
So much control he has over her
With some nice words he's forgiven
I don't know what she's thinking
She says he'll change someday
Why can't she see the reality
Nothing will change until he's gone
Or she is...

- Cynthia Wells

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